Little Torch Cottages Hotel
Florida Keys



Existing Conditions
Calculations charting
Planting plan
Removals and Transplant Plan

Existing Conditions Maps guided this process for the final planting plans.

Removals and Transplant Plan - Removing and identifying the invasive species is always an important aspect to a healthy, vibrant long-term landscape installation. Transplanting of material is also a great way to keep established and thriving plants in an area that you know they will remain to do well. These plants deserve a spot in the final design even when a building needs to takeover its current location.

Final Planting Plan - Guided by the strict requirements of Monroe County. We created swale plantings to encourage run off collection from the parking lot and building. Densely planted with native beach grasses, shrubs and trees, with a few palms to give you that Key West Hotel ambiance.


8th St Cabana WPB